This book showcases a poignant collection of works by the photographer Miyako Ishiuchi. It features a series of meticulously photographed children's kimonos, preserved at Shinseiji Temple in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, since the Edo period (1603-1868). These garments are imbued with prayers for the health and well-being of children. The careful repairs visible on the kimonos speak volumes about the culture of valuing and cherishing possessions, as well as the deep love parents hold for their children, embedded in each fabric.
"Many of the Childhood Garments featured in this collection have been around for over a century. They do not crumble at a touch. Surprisingly, they bear no severe damage, stains, or scars. Instead, they radiate, akin to small deities adorned in the fabric of time." (From the afterword)