"Darkness is your mother, she has a right to respect, because the mother is dangerous. She has power over you because she gave birth to you. Honor darkness as light, so you will light up your darkness. C.G. Jung, The Anchorite. The Red Book."
In Tamil Nadu, southern India, the earliest and most ancient traditions have remained intact more than anywhere else. The powerful presences of the living spirits and gods are embodied under the masks, in the bodies which abandon themselves during the rite and in the animal remains during the sacrifices.
Characters of whom we no longer know if they are men, gods or spirits, appear in their evidence, real and divine, natural and supernatural.
Men and women in a trance sink into darkness in full light; these trances do not belong to them, they are collective, staged or free. Individual psychology gives way to a large common body which vibrates in unison.
Dravidian Catharsis est le fruit de cette profonde immersion dans la culture, le théâtre, les tradition.