Under a leaden sky that presses down like an unspoken secret, Pestka by Magdalena Wywrot unfolds as a noir-like odyssey, a tense chronicle of a mother and her adolescent daughter navigating a world seemingly abandoned by time. Their apartment becomes a high perch, a hermetic capsule adrift above a hauntingly silent Krakow. Beyond their windows lies a city frozen in a peculiar stasis—beautiful, desolate, and disturbingly indifferent. Inside, however, time surges forward, intimate and relentless, as the daughter’s transformation unfolds under the lens of her mother’s camera.

The mother documents, frame by frame, a silent evolution that feels both inevitable and uncanny. Each photograph is a fragment, a moment dissected, yet together they weave a narrative of growth and surveillance. Meanwhile, the daughter lives her life, unaware—or perhaps indifferent—to the weight of the watchful eye. The claustrophobic intimacy of the apartment contrasts sharply with the apocalyptic quiet outside, where an unspoken tension lingers, as if the void beyond the glass conceals something vast, waiting.

Wywrot’s images bear the hallmarks of a restless, searching consciousness. They shimmer and distort, blurring the lines between expressionism, impressionism, and abstraction. The portraits are tender, charged with the electricity of wonder and fragility, but the landscapes suggest something darker—alien, foreboding, and vast. It’s as though the city itself is withholding its truth, cloaked in an atmosphere that teeters between sublime beauty and looming menace.

As the story progresses, a shadowy presence begins to materialize—not in form, but in feeling. It lurks beneath the stillness, a force that seems both to protect and to threaten, waiting for the daughter to emerge into the world. When the final photograph is taken and the camera is set down, you’re left with the inescapable sense that something has shifted irrevocably. The journey isn’t over; it’s only just begun, with a palpable tension that will linger long after the last page.